dmd db meta finalise

dmd db meta finalise

Indicate that the database is now finalised




# to set the current time as the `finalised_at` metadata in the database
dmd db meta finalise --db dmd.db


Set the finalised_at metadata in the database, which indicates that the database is now finalised, and should now be treated as "up-to-date" and read-only from this point onwards

This indicates that all datasources were imported and all enrichment (i.e. via Advisories, Dependency Health, etc) was complete.

This could indicate that all datasources' data is now up-to-date, but there are likely some that haven't been as recently scanned.


Flag (type) Usage Notes
-h, --help help for finalise

Options inherited from parent commands

Flag (type) Usage Notes
--db (string) the path to the input/output database
--debug whether to enable debug logging