Turning complex policies into custom Advisories using Open Policy Agent

As well as the inbuilt functionality to flag Advisories in your software, dependency-management-data provides the ability to write your own custom advisories, which can also be shared as part of the -contrib project.

Although very useful, they lack the ability to perform much more complex rules against dependencies.

Since dependency-management-data v0.54.0, it is possible to use Open Policy Agent's Policy Language, Rego to write much more complex advisories, also called Policies.


The following technical requirements are true for writing an OPA policy:

As of dependency-management-data v0.55.0, linting will occur when running dmd policy evaluate command, or can be run ad-hoc with dmd policy lint command.

With that in mind, the following is a good starting point for fresh policies:

package policy

import rego.v1

# can be any value that matches one of the valid `advisory_type`s in https://dmd.tanna.dev/schema/#internaladvisorydbschemasql
# if not set, will default to `POLICY`
default advisory_type := "POLICY"

deny contains msg if {
	msg := "This will deny the dependency"

warn contains msg if {
	msg := "This will warn about the usage of the dependency"

Flagging a violation

package policy

import rego.v1

deny contains "This will trigger a violation, and set the respective error message as this string"

No violation

package policy

import rego.v1

default deny := []

default advisory_type := "UNMAINTAINED"

Flagging a warning

package policy

import rego.v1

warn contains msg if {
	some license in input.dependency.licenses
	license in ["non-standard"]
	msg := sprintf("Dependency uses a non-standard license (%s)", [license])

Input data

When creating an OPA Policy, you'll receive consistently-formatted input data. For more detail, you can see field-level documentation on pkg.go.dev.

From DMD v0.102.0, only the data you query in your Policy will be retrieved from the database, providing much improved performance.

For instance, if we had the following rows from the sboms table:

platform organisation repo package_name version current_version package_type
github deepmap oapi-codegen github.com/stretchr/testify 1.8.4 1.8.4 golang

Then we would receive the following input:

  "project": {
    "organisation": "deepmap",
    "platform": "github",
    "repo": "oapi-codegen"
  "dependency": {
    "current_version": "1.8.4",
    "dep_types": [],
    "package_file_path": "",
    "package_manager": "golang",
    "package_name": "github.com/stretchr/testify",
    "version": "1.8.4",
    "licenses": [

And from the renovate table:

platform organisation repo package_name version current_version package_manager package_file_path datasource dep_types
github deepmap oapi-codegen github.com/stretchr/testify v1.8.4 v1.8.4 gomod internal/test/go.mod go ["require"]

Then we would receive the following input:

  "project": {
    "organisation": "deepmap",
    "platform": "github",
    "repo": "oapi-codegen"
  "dependency": {
    "current_version": "v1.8.4",
    "dep_types": ["require"],
    "package_file_path": "internal/test/go.mod",
    "package_manager": "gomod",
    "package_name": "github.com/stretchr/testify",
    "version": "v1.8.4",
    "licenses": [

Licensing data

If you have generated licensing information via dmd db generate advisories command, you can access that data in your OPA policy.

For instance, if the depsdev_licenses table contains the following data:

package_name version license updated_at
github.com/stretchr/testify v1.8.4 MIT 2023-11-23T10:52:19Z

You will then receive the following input:

  "project": {
    "organisation": "deepmap",
    "platform": "github",
    "repo": "oapi-codegen"
  "dependency": {
    "current_version": "v1.8.4",
    "dep_types": ["require"],
    "package_file_path": "internal/test/go.mod",
    "package_manager": "gomod",
    "package_name": "github.com/stretchr/testify",
    "version": "v1.8.4",
    "licenses": [

Note that not every package may have a license. In this case, you will receive the following input - note the empty dependency.licenses array:

  "project": {
    "organisation": "deepmap",
    "platform": "github",
    "repo": "oapi-codegen"
  "dependency": {
    "current_version": "v1.8.4",
    "dep_types": ["require"],
    "package_file_path": "internal/test/go.mod",
    "package_manager": "gomod",
    "package_name": "github.com/stretchr/testify",
    "version": "v1.8.4",
    "licenses": [

Repository metadata

If you're taking advantage of the ability to store repository_metadata, you will be able to leverage the data as part of policies.

For instance, if you have the following repository metadata:

platform organisation repo is_monorepo is_fork repository_type repository_usage visibility description additional_metadata
github deepmap oapi-codegen false false TOOL TOOL LIBRARY PUBLIC {"last_push":"2024-01-12T04:44:23Z","stability":"stable"}

You will then receive the following input:

  "project": {
    "organisation": "deepmap",
    "platform": "github",
    "repo": "oapi-codegen",
    "metadata": {
      "is_monorepo": false,
      "is_fork": false,
      "repository_type": "TOOL",
      "repository_usage": "TOOL LIBRARY",
      "visibility": "PUBLIC",
      "additional_metadata": {
        "last_push": "2024-01-12T04:44:23Z",
        "stability": "stable"
  "dependency": {
    "current_version": "v1.8.4",
    "dep_types": ["require"],
    "package_file_path": "internal/test/go.mod",
    "package_manager": "gomod",
    "package_name": "github.com/stretchr/testify",
    "version": "v1.8.4",
    "licenses": [

Note that not every package may have repository metadata. In this case, you will receive the following input - note that project.metadata is absent:

  "project": {
    "organisation": "deepmap",
    "platform": "github",
    "repo": "oapi-codegen"
  "dependency": {
    "current_version": "v1.8.4",
    "dep_types": ["require"],
    "package_file_path": "internal/test/go.mod",
    "package_manager": "gomod",
    "package_name": "github.com/stretchr/testify",
    "version": "v1.8.4",
    "licenses": [

Dependency health data

If you have fetched dependency health data via dmd db generate dependency-health, then you may have collected health metadata around your dependencies into the dependency_health table:

package_name package_manager scorecard_score scorecard_codereview scorecard_maintained scorecard_ciibestpractices scorecard_license scorecard_dangerousworkflow scorecard_packaging scorecard_tokenpermissions scorecard_signedreleases scorecard_branchprotection scorecard_binaryartifacts scorecard_fuzzing scorecard_securitypolicy scorecard_sast scorecard_vulnerabilities scorecard_pinneddependencies ecosystems_repo_archived ecosystems_repo_pushed_at ecosystems_repo_updated_at ecosystems_repo_last_synced_at ecosystems_last_synced_at ecosystems_latest_release_published_at ecosystems_status
@codemirror/history npm 3.40000009536743 0 0 0 10 10 -1 0 -1 0 10 0 0 0 10 0 1 2022-02-16T16:57:16.000Z 2024-01-16T20:35:36.300Z 2024-01-16T20:35:36.299Z 2024-01-17T01:45:03Z 2022-01-03T13:52:35Z

This would result in input of the form:

  "project": {
    "platform": "github",
    "organisation": "DDDEastMidlandsLimited",
    "repo": "dddem-blog"
  "dependency": {
    "package_name": "@codemirror/history",
    "version": "0.18.1",
    "current_version": "0.18.1",
    "package_manager": "npm",
    "package_file_path": "package.json",
    "dep_types": [
    "licenses": [
    "health": {
      "ecosystems": {
        "last_synced_at": "2024-01-17T01:45:03Z",
        "latest_release_published_at": "2022-01-03T13:52:35Z",
        "repo": {
          "archived": true,
          "last_synced_at": "2024-01-16T20:35:36.299Z",
          "pushed_at": "2022-02-16T16:57:16.000Z",
          "updated_at": "2024-01-16T20:35:36.300Z"
      "security_scorecard": {
        "score": 3.4000000953674316,
        "binary_artifacts": 10,
        "branch_protection": 0,
        "cii_best_practices": 0,
        "code_review": 0,
        "dangerous_workflow": 10,
        "fuzzing": 0,
        "license": 10,
        "maintained": 0,
        "packaging": -1,
        "pinned_dependencies": 0,
        "sast": 0,
        "security_policy": 0,
        "signed_releases": -1,
        "token_permissions": 0,
        "vulnerabilities": 10

If a dependency does not have any dependency health information available, the health field will be absent.

A number of these fields are optional, and can be found further documented in the field-level documentation on pkg.go.dev.

Pre-filtering the data

From DMD v0.102.0, only the data you query in your Policy will be retrieved from the database, providing much improved performance.

As well as this, you can pre-filter the data using a number of directives, which are defined through comments in your Policies.

These can be found defined in a comment, of the form:


filter directive

By using the filter directive, you can further pre-filter the data before it is passed into your Policy, which further improves performance of the overall evaluations.

This should be used in addition to any if statements in your Policies to match Advisories to your dependencies.

It is currently possible to filter on the following fields:

These can be found defined in a comment, of the form:

# DMD: filter: <FIELD>: <ARGUMENT>

For instance, if we had the following Policy:

package policy

# DMD: filter: package_name: *oapi-codegen*
# DMD: filter: package_name: */huma
# DMD: filter: package_type: golang

This would pre-filter the data in DMD to only Go dependencies whose package name include the term oapi-codegen or end with /huma.

Alternatively, this statement when written as SQL:

    package_name LIKE '%oapi-codegen%'
    package_name LIKE '%/huma'
    package_type LIKE 'golang'

Testing out policies

You can use the dmd policy evaluate command to evaluate a policy, giving you the opportunity to understand the impact it may have when applied.

Below you can find example policies, and the result that using dmd policy evaluate would bring, based on the example project's data.

Once you've written the policies, you'll then need to process + persist them.

Example: Flagging use of legacy GitLab server repositories

Let's say that as an organisation you're moving from a self-hosted GitLab server to GitLab.com, and want to find all usages of the old package URLs.

To do this, we could craft the following policy.rego:

package policy

import rego.v1

default advisory_type := "UNMAINTAINED"

deny contains "Use the new GitLab.com server" if startswith(input.dependency.package_name, "gitlab.example.com/")

With this applied, we can then run the policy evaluate command:

dmd policy evaluate --db /path/to/dmd.db policy.rego

This will then print out, for instance:

Processing policy.rego resulted in 10 policy violations, from ... dependencies:
| PLATFORM | ORGANISATION | REPO                                  | PACKAGE                                       | VERSION   | DEPENDENCY TYPES | FILEPATH          | ADVISORY TYPE | DESCRIPTION                   |
| github   | ........     | ...............                       | gitlab.example.com/..........                 | ........  | []               | go.mod            | UNMAINTAINED  | Use the new GitLab.com server |
|          |              |                                       |                                               |           |                  |                   |               |                               |

Example: Flagging use of bytedance/sonic

Let's say that you're working on applications that need to abide by US federal restrictions on the use of software produced by ByteDance.

If we wanted to:

To do this, we could craft the following policy.rego:

package policy

import rego.v1

default advisory_type := "POLICY"

prefix := "The US Federal government in June highlighted that usage of ByteDance software on government equipment or networks is prohibited (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2023/06/02/2023-11756/federal-acquisition-regulation-prohibition-on-a-bytedance-covered-application), which may extend as far as Open Source projects they have produced."

default versions := []

# prefer the `version` with Go modules, as versions are always exactly pinned, and means we don't need to handle the absense of the `current_version` i.e. https://gitlab.com/tanna.dev/dependency-management-data/-/issues/77
versions := split(input.dependency.version, ".")

is_bytedance if {
	input.dependency.package_manager in {"gomod", "golang"}
	startswith(input.dependency.package_name, "github.com/bytedance/")

is_direct if {
	input.dependency.package_manager in {"gomod", "golang"}
	"require" in input.dependency.dep_types

is_indirect if {
	input.dependency.package_manager in {"gomod", "golang"}
	"indirect" in input.dependency.dep_types

deny contains msg if {
	input.dependency.package_manager in {"gomod", "golang"}
	input.dependency.package_name = "github.com/gin-gonic/gin"
	versions[0] in {"v1", "1"}
	to_number(versions[1]) >= 9
	msg := sprintf("%s. Versions of Gin since v1.9.0 have shipped ByteDance/sonic as an optional dependency, but it still appears as a dependency, and could be in use - more details in https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin/issues/3653", [prefix])

deny contains msg if {
	msg := sprintf("%s. This is an explicit use of a ByteDance-owned dependency", [prefix])

deny contains msg if {
	msg := sprintf("%s. This is a transitive use of a ByteDance-owned dependency", [prefix])

deny contains msg if {
	not is_direct
	not is_indirect
	msg := sprintf("%s. (Unclear whether a direct or transitive dependency)", [prefix])

With this applied, we can then run the policy evaluate command:

dmd policy evaluate --db /path/to/dmd.db policy.rego

This will then print out, for instance:

Processing policy.rego resulted in 10 policy violations, from 129268 dependencies:
| PLATFORM | ORGANISATION | REPO           | PACKAGE                    | VERSION     | DEPENDENCY TYPES | FILEPATH             | ADVISORY TYPE | DESCRIPTION                                                                                                                                      |
| github   | deepmap      | oapi-codegen   | github.com/bytedance/sonic | 1.10.0-rc3  | []               |                      | POLICY        | The US Federal government in June highlighted that usage of                                                                                      |
|          |              |                |                            | /           |                  |                      |               | ByteDance software on government equipment or networks is                                                                                        |
|          |              |                |                            | 1.10.0-rc3  |                  |                      |               | prohibited                                                                                                                                       |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2023/06/02/2023-11756/federal-acquisition-regulation-prohibition-on-a-bytedance-covered-application), |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | which may extend as far as Open Source projects they have                                                                                        |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | produced.. (Unclear whether a direct or transitive                                                                                               |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | dependency)                                                                                                                                      |
| github   | deepmap      | oapi-codegen   | github.com/bytedance/sonic | v1.10.0-rc3 | []               | examples/go.mod      | POLICY        | The US Federal government in June highlighted that usage of                                                                                      |
|          |              |                |                            | /           |                  |                      |               | ByteDance software on government equipment or networks is                                                                                        |
|          |              |                |                            | v1.10.0-rc3 |                  |                      |               | prohibited                                                                                                                                       |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2023/06/02/2023-11756/federal-acquisition-regulation-prohibition-on-a-bytedance-covered-application), |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | which may extend as far as Open Source projects they have                                                                                        |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | produced.. (Unclear whether a direct or transitive                                                                                               |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | dependency)                                                                                                                                      |
| github   | deepmap      | oapi-codegen   | github.com/bytedance/sonic | v1.10.0-rc3 | []               | internal/test/go.mod | POLICY        | The US Federal government in June highlighted that usage of                                                                                      |
|          |              |                |                            | /           |                  |                      |               | ByteDance software on government equipment or networks is                                                                                        |
|          |              |                |                            | v1.10.0-rc3 |                  |                      |               | prohibited                                                                                                                                       |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2023/06/02/2023-11756/federal-acquisition-regulation-prohibition-on-a-bytedance-covered-application), |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | which may extend as far as Open Source projects they have                                                                                        |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | produced.. (Unclear whether a direct or transitive                                                                                               |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | dependency)                                                                                                                                      |
| github   | deepmap      | oapi-codegen   | github.com/gin-gonic/gin   | 1.9.1 /     | []               |                      | POLICY        | The US Federal government in June highlighted that usage of                                                                                      |
|          |              |                |                            | 1.9.1       |                  |                      |               | ByteDance software on government equipment or networks is                                                                                        |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | prohibited                                                                                                                                       |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2023/06/02/2023-11756/federal-acquisition-regulation-prohibition-on-a-bytedance-covered-application), |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | which may extend as far as Open Source projects they have                                                                                        |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | produced.. Versions of Gin since v1.9.0 have shipped                                                                                             |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | ByteDance/sonic as an optional dependency, but it still                                                                                          |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | appears as a dependency, and could be in use - more details                                                                                      |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | in https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin/issues/3653                                                                                                  |
| github   | deepmap      | oapi-codegen   | github.com/gin-gonic/gin   | v1.9.1 /    | []               | examples/go.mod      | POLICY        | The US Federal government in June highlighted that usage of                                                                                      |
|          |              |                |                            | v1.9.1      |                  |                      |               | ByteDance software on government equipment or networks is                                                                                        |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | prohibited                                                                                                                                       |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2023/06/02/2023-11756/federal-acquisition-regulation-prohibition-on-a-bytedance-covered-application), |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | which may extend as far as Open Source projects they have                                                                                        |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | produced.. Versions of Gin since v1.9.0 have shipped                                                                                             |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | ByteDance/sonic as an optional dependency, but it still                                                                                          |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | appears as a dependency, and could be in use - more details                                                                                      |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | in https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin/issues/3653                                                                                                  |
| github   | deepmap      | oapi-codegen   | github.com/gin-gonic/gin   | v1.9.1 /    | []               | internal/test/go.mod | POLICY        | The US Federal government in June highlighted that usage of                                                                                      |
|          |              |                |                            | v1.9.1      |                  |                      |               | ByteDance software on government equipment or networks is                                                                                        |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | prohibited                                                                                                                                       |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2023/06/02/2023-11756/federal-acquisition-regulation-prohibition-on-a-bytedance-covered-application), |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | which may extend as far as Open Source projects they have                                                                                        |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | produced.. Versions of Gin since v1.9.0 have shipped                                                                                             |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | ByteDance/sonic as an optional dependency, but it still                                                                                          |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | appears as a dependency, and could be in use - more details                                                                                      |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | in https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin/issues/3653                                                                                                  |
| github   | oapi-codegen | gin-middleware | github.com/bytedance/sonic | v1.9.1 /    | []               | go.mod               | POLICY        | The US Federal government in June highlighted that usage of                                                                                      |
|          |              |                |                            | v1.9.1      |                  |                      |               | ByteDance software on government equipment or networks is                                                                                        |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | prohibited                                                                                                                                       |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2023/06/02/2023-11756/federal-acquisition-regulation-prohibition-on-a-bytedance-covered-application), |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | which may extend as far as Open Source projects they have                                                                                        |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | produced.. (Unclear whether a direct or transitive                                                                                               |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | dependency)                                                                                                                                      |
| github   | oapi-codegen | runtime        | github.com/bytedance/sonic | v1.10.0-rc3 | []               | go.mod               | POLICY        | The US Federal government in June highlighted that usage of                                                                                      |
|          |              |                |                            | /           |                  |                      |               | ByteDance software on government equipment or networks is                                                                                        |
|          |              |                |                            | v1.10.0-rc3 |                  |                      |               | prohibited                                                                                                                                       |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2023/06/02/2023-11756/federal-acquisition-regulation-prohibition-on-a-bytedance-covered-application), |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | which may extend as far as Open Source projects they have                                                                                        |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | produced.. (Unclear whether a direct or transitive                                                                                               |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | dependency)                                                                                                                                      |
| github   | oapi-codegen | runtime        | github.com/gin-gonic/gin   | v1.9.1 /    | []               | go.mod               | POLICY        | The US Federal government in June highlighted that usage of                                                                                      |
|          |              |                |                            | v1.9.1      |                  |                      |               | ByteDance software on government equipment or networks is                                                                                        |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | prohibited                                                                                                                                       |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2023/06/02/2023-11756/federal-acquisition-regulation-prohibition-on-a-bytedance-covered-application), |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | which may extend as far as Open Source projects they have                                                                                        |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | produced.. Versions of Gin since v1.9.0 have shipped                                                                                             |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | ByteDance/sonic as an optional dependency, but it still                                                                                          |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | appears as a dependency, and could be in use - more details                                                                                      |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | in https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin/issues/3653                                                                                                  |
| github   | oapi-codegen | gin-middleware | github.com/gin-gonic/gin   | v1.9.1 /    | []               | go.mod               | POLICY        | The US Federal government in June highlighted that usage of                                                                                      |
|          |              |                |                            | v1.9.1      |                  |                      |               | ByteDance software on government equipment or networks is                                                                                        |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | prohibited                                                                                                                                       |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2023/06/02/2023-11756/federal-acquisition-regulation-prohibition-on-a-bytedance-covered-application), |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | which may extend as far as Open Source projects they have                                                                                        |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | produced.. Versions of Gin since v1.9.0 have shipped                                                                                             |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | ByteDance/sonic as an optional dependency, but it still                                                                                          |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | appears as a dependency, and could be in use - more details                                                                                      |
|          |              |                |                            |             |                  |                      |               | in https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin/issues/3653                                                                                                  |

Example: Flagging uses of licenses

Let's say that as an organisation you want to flag the usage of licenses you'd prefer not to be used.

To do this, we could craft the following policy.rego:

package policy

import rego.v1

deny contains msg if {
	some license in input.dependency.licenses
	license in ["AGPL-3.0", "non-standard"]
	msg := sprintf("Dependency uses a Banned license (%s)", [license])

With this applied, we can then run the policy evaluate command:

dmd policy evaluate --db /path/to/dmd.db policy.rego

This will then print out, for instance:

Processing licensing.rego resulted in 1593 policy violations, from 131070 dependencies, but as `--limit` was set to 10, only showing that many results:
| PLATFORM | ORGANISATION           | REPO              | PACKAGE                                         | VERSION   | DEPENDENCY TYPES                            | FILEPATH         | ADVISORY TYPE | DESCRIPTION                                     |
| github   | DDDEastMidlandsLimited | dddem-web         | regjsparser                                     | ^0.1.4 /  | ["lockfile","lockfile-yarn-pinning-^0.1.4"] | package.json     | POLICY        | Dependency uses a Banned license (non-standard) |
|          |                        |                   |                                                 | 0.1.5     |                                             |                  |               |                                                 |
| github   | IndiePass              | indiepass-android | jakarta.activation:jakarta.activation-api       | 1.2.1 /   | ["dependencies","missing-data"]             | build.gradle     | POLICY        | Dependency uses a Banned license (non-standard) |
|          |                        |                   |                                                 | 1.2.1     |                                             |                  |               |                                                 |
| github   | IndiePass              | indiepass-android | jakarta.xml.bind:jakarta.xml.bind-api           | 2.3.2 /   | ["dependencies","missing-data"]             | build.gradle     | POLICY        | Dependency uses a Banned license (non-standard) |
|          |                        |                   |                                                 | 2.3.2     |                                             |                  |               |                                                 |
| github   | IndiePass              | indiepass-android | javax.annotation:javax.annotation-api           | 1.3.2 /   | ["dependencies","missing-data"]             | build.gradle     | POLICY        | Dependency uses a Banned license (non-standard) |
|          |                        |                   |                                                 | 1.3.2     |                                             |                  |               |                                                 |
| github   | alphagov               | pay-publicapi     | com.google.auth:google-auth-library-credentials | 1.10.0 /  | ["test","missing-data"]                     | pom.xml          | POLICY        | Dependency uses a Banned license (non-standard) |
|          |                        |                   |                                                 | 1.10.0    |                                             |                  |               |                                                 |
| github   | IndiePass              | indiepass-android | org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on                 | 1.67 /    | ["dependencies","missing-data"]             | build.gradle     | POLICY        | Dependency uses a Banned license (non-standard) |
|          |                        |                   |                                                 | 1.67      |                                             |                  |               |                                                 |
| github   | IndiePass              | indiepass-android | org.glassfish.jaxb:txw2                         | 2.3.2 /   | ["dependencies","missing-data"]             | build.gradle     | POLICY        | Dependency uses a Banned license (non-standard) |
|          |                        |                   |                                                 | 2.3.2     |                                             |                  |               |                                                 |
| github   | IndiePass              | indiepass-android | org.hamcrest:hamcrest-core                      | 2.2 / 2.2 | ["dependencies","missing-data"]             | app/build.gradle | POLICY        | Dependency uses a Banned license (non-standard) |
| github   | IndiePass              | indiepass-android | org.hamcrest:hamcrest-library                   | 1.3 / 1.3 | ["dependencies","missing-data"]             | app/build.gradle | POLICY        | Dependency uses a Banned license (non-standard) |
| github   | alphagov               | pay-connector     | antlr:antlr                                     | 2.7.7 /   | ["test","missing-data"]                     | pom.xml          | POLICY        | Dependency uses a Banned license (non-standard) |
|          |                        |                   |                                                 | 2.7.7     |                                             |                  |               |                                                 |

Example: Checking End-Of-Life status using endoflife.date

As noted in Dynamically querying EndOfLife.date data for internal packages with Open Policy Agent and Dependency Management Data, we could write the following Policy:

package policy

import rego.v1

days_until_warn := 60

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# below is for the Policy author to determine, as it's dependency specific

version := split(input.dependency.current_version, "-")[0]

versions := split(version, ".")

default cycle := null

cycle := sprintf("%s.%s", [versions[0], versions[1]])

default the_product := null

# DMD: filter: package_name: docker.internal.tld/python
the_product := "python" if {
	input.dependency.package_name == "docker.internal.tld/python"

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# below here is boilerplate

default advisory_type := "DEPRECATED"

# we need to override this from the default DEPRECATED
advisory_type := "UNMAINTAINED" if {
	[is_eol, msg] := endoflifedate_is_eol(the_product, cycle)


deny contains msg if {
	[is_eol, msg] := endoflifedate_is_eol(the_product, cycle)


deny contains msg if {
	[approaching_eol, msg] := endoflifedate_approaching_eol(the_product, cycle, days_until_warn)


deny contains msg if {
	[is_unsupported, msg] := endoflifedate_is_unsupported(the_product, cycle)


deny contains msg if {
	[approaching_unsupported, msg] := endoflifedate_approaching_unsupported(the_product, cycle, days_until_warn)


supported_until := supported_until if {
	[supported_until, ok] := endoflifedate_supported_until(the_product, cycle)


eol_from := eol_from if {
	[eol_from, ok] := endoflifedate_eol_from(the_product, cycle)


This would then report any cases of:

As well as recording the dates, if known.

Processing and persisting policies

When using the dmd policy evaluate command to evaluate a policy, you only see what would happen if the policy was applied, but it doesn't actually write the data to the database.

Similar to how advisories data is generated, to actually process + persist the defined policies, you can use the dmd db generate policy-violations command.

This then writes data to the advisories table that can be queried manually, or reported through 👇

Reporting violations

To report violations, you can use dmd report policy-violations, or use the web application's reports viewer.

Additionally, any policy violations are exposed through dmd report advisories.